On the Importance of Seeing the Best in Others

Jake Wilder
5 min readNov 21, 2020

No More Divisiveness. Or at least, Less Divisiveness.

“You go out into a world where mankind is challenged, as it has never been challenged before, to prove its maturity and mastery — not of nature, but of itself,” Rachel Carson challenged in her final farewell to the world. “Therein lies our hope and our destiny.” And just as Carson warned then, we face many of these same challenges today. With a divided nation, again people need to choose whether to face reality with courage or find solace evading the truth. We need to decide whether we’re going to rise to meet the challenges of the future together or continue to invest in the chaos and division that’s defined so much of the past four years.

With this crossroads in mind, it was with deep relief that I saw the Trump Accountability Project’s decision to shut down. Choosing to follow President-elect Biden’s call for unity as opposed to AOC’s suggestion to archive Trump supporters is an encouraging step for the nation. Making lists of Trump voters for future scorn and vengeance is the opposite of what we need. While it’s an unhealthy sign in any democracy, more importantly, I cannot envision any scenario where this ends well for the country.

Let’s be clear. For anyone that tries to take an active stake in delegitimizing our democracy, there should be consequences…



Jake Wilder

I don’t know where I’m going. But at least I know how to get there.